I’ve been watching the news pretty religiously for the last 6 months. I’m not sure that is a good idea.
I remember a normal day about 9 years ago. I was on a plane flying from Sakhalin, Russia to Khabarovsk, Russia when the crew turned the news on over the plane speakers. I hadn’t listened to the news for almost a year; as a missionary, I didn’t have time for it, plus, listening or watching any media wasn’t allowed. I listened or about 10 minutes and the sense of peace that had previously been with me was replaced with the shock of a world in crisis. The news talked of a murder here and a war there. I thought to myself, “no wonder people are loosing hope and confidence in mankind.”
Fast forward to today and again I’m shocked. It seems that we are in a state of constant commotion: There is a war in Ukraine. All the news in our country points the finger at Putin. My Russian friends share a different opinion on Facebook. There is a war in Israel. Some claim they are targeting civilians and they claim Hamas is putting them in harms way. Eboli has broken out in Western Africa. California is in the worst drought on record. The US/Mexican border is in a state of crisis. There are earthquakes in diverse places.
Although the state of the world is deeply concerning, I have found peace in knowing that there is a God in heaven and he has promised to use all things to the good of those that love him.
Let’s spread this peace to leave the world a little better than we found it.